Monday 31 October 2016


I have decided to analyse the front cover of another magazine. I have however decided to analyse, in my opinion, a front cover that is badly made and does not fit the appropriate forms and conventions of a magazine. This therefore will make it easier for me to understand what works and what doesn't work in these kinds of magazines.

Image result for media front cover

Looking at the example, I am immediately shut off and are not drawn in unlike the 'In View' magazine.

The first issue is that the background image is an object. This does not agree with the appropriate form as the magazines as they usually contain a celebrity with a direct gaze. This makes me feel less engaged with the ideas they are attempting to present across. All together, I can clearly see that the person creating the magazine has a limited ability when using the chosen editing software. This means that the final product becomes less visibly attractive. The mast head is usually bold and contrasting with the background. In this case, the mast head is small and not bold. The main selling line, 'The Art Block!' does not contrast with the background and blends in. This dramatically takes away from the effect and when looking at the magazine, The main use of a mast head is to make it the first thing the audience looks at. In this circumstance however, there is no visual draw to the magazine. The creator uses only a single font. In my opinion, the font is not professional and therefore does not fit the conventions of a sixth form magazine. In a sixth form magazine, you would expect a professional and classy design in order to draw in readers and a youthful tone to appeal to the majority of the audience. However, the font, the images and the use of '!' is not professional and therefore does not fit the forms and conventions. 

To change this, I would first of all add a bar-code, a date and an issue number so the magazine matches the appropriate forms. I would then change the mast head to make it bold and a different font. I would also add more information in 'puffs'. I would add a competition to gain more interest and the prize would be appealing to the audience. 

From analysing the front cover, I have discovered what parts of a front cover is the most important and I have also determined what is needed to maintain the appropriate conventions of a magazine.

1 comment:

  1. The analysis is sound and you use with key Media language. You engage well with the task and clearly reflect on the impact of the product on the audience. I am now expecting to see the rough draft of your own idea, a series of shots uploaded and commented upon and the start of your own cover. Could you also create an index to this blog which shows what the reader can find where.A good start.
