Wednesday 2 November 2016


After analysing magazines and their main photos, I decided to take a few around the school that are well lit, in mid shot, have a direct gaze and accurately convey the form and conventions of a sixth form magazine.

I used a single student that was very formal and smartly dressed. I also appropriately chose locations that were relevant to sixth form life and that were aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

This photo is of a student with a direct gaze standing outside of sixth form. This photo is well lit and in mid shot. This fits the brief and in my opinion, accurately represents a sixth form magazine.

Here is another picture of the same student in the same pose. This photo similarly relates to the conventions of a sixth form magazine and has a direct gaze. This photo however has slightly darker lighting. This however is not noticeable and can be altered in Photoshop. The student is not central and is slightly to the right to emphasise the sixth form campus to his right.

This photo is of the student on a laptop. This emphasises that he is positive and enjoys work. The photo is well lit and in mid shot. It is not in direct gaze. This is because he is not addressing the audience and is in fact working and looking at the screen. The laptop is marginally out of focus to add further emphasis on the student. The photo accurately conveys the conventions of a sixth form magazine and promotes work and effort.

Here, he is looking for food to purchase at the sixth form shop. This shot is well lit and in mid shot. I feel this shot is not as effective as the others as the student is not facing the audience and part of him is cut out. I feel that this photo is good but probably will be used in another part of the magazine as it does not provide much attraction.

The photos I took all fit the brief and are well lit and appealing to look at. I feel personally that I will use one of the photos with the direct gaze as the photo on the front cover as they have more of an attraction to the audience and contain the ideologies of a Sixth Form student being prepared, formal and happy.

However, as the main background image I have decided to use the second photo as I feel that it connotes a deeper meaning of the student being intelligent and revelling in Sixth Form life.

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