Monday 28 November 2016


As I was not familiar with the features of the contents page, I decided to analyse an example and determine the features. By doing this I would have a greater understanding on what to include in my own contents page.
Image result for music magazine contents page

Main Image
The contents page consists of a single background image, very similarly to the front cover. The main image in the contents page also has a direct link to the information provided on the magazine front cover. For example, if the front cover had a tag line saying 'THE BEETLES', it would be appropriate to include a picture of the band in the main image. The main image commonly links to the main article in the magazine.

Secondary Image 
Despite not being in this example, secondary images are used in the contents page to relate to an article or topic. They usually contain a page number in the corner. This however, is not being used as much and editors tend to now stick to a single image.

The masthead for the contents page usually relates to the masthead on the front cover. It is usually a smaller version and in the top corners. In this example, the 'Q' masthead is positioned in this area every issue creating a sense of audience identification.

This main heading is used in every contents page so that the audience know what page they are looking at. Commonly, this is in a large bold font and dominates the majority of the upper part of the magazine.

Brief Headings
Brief headings are used to make it easier for the reader to locate what they are looking for. Examples are like 'Features'.

Page numbers
Usually before the information about whats on the page. They are usually rather large and in a different font so that it makes it easier for the reader to locate the page.

These sub-headings are commonly very short and in a bold font to attract the readers attention. They explain what the article is about in a few words.

Summary of Content
Commonly, below the sub-headings is a sentence of information about the article and summarises what you will find. This is usually not in a bold font and doesn't really stand out.

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