Friday 4 November 2016


        After re-thinking my layout, I created my front cover on PhotoShop. This is my final piece. 

1) Firstly I had to choose my background image. After analyzing the photos, I decided to use this photo. I felt that the photo I chose was ideal as it is in mid-shot, direct gaze and accurately portrays the forms and conventions of a sixth form magazine being professional interesting.

2) I then started on writing the mast head and the feature article cover line. I chose large, bold red writing for the mast head as I felt that it would stand out more and give the magazine an identity. The feature article cover line is in a white/silver colour in order to again, stand out from the background and grab the audiences attention. For both of the texts, I used a slight gradient in the letters from dark to light and also outlined them in order to make it stand out more and gain attention. I also put the text behind Kieron as this is common in magazines. I also added a slogan under the mast head in order to make the magazine seem to stand out. Text is very important in drawing in new readers

3) After applying the text, I added pictures appropriately. I could freely move them about and rotate them in order to make it feel 'youthful' and interesting. I also added a white border to again frame it and stand out.

4) I then decided to add the parts to portray the conventions of any magazine. This included a barcode, QR code and the issue number. These parts are extremely important as they further help the audience recognise it as a magazine. I decided to place them near to the corners as this would take up less space and not draw the audience away from the text and pictures. I decided to use a QR code as they are popular with the youth as they are quick and easy ways to access the magazines website.

5) I then added the cover lines. They are important as they advertise what is in the magazine. I decided to use a different font and colour to make it interesting and appealing. I felt that the colour yellow was a strong choice as it contrasted well with the dark background. I chose to use short pieces of information like 'NEW LAPTOPS' and 'TOP TEN TIPS' as it has more of an effect. I used alliteration in 'TOP TEN TIPS' again to add variety and appeal to the youthful audience.

6) I then added extra text under the cover lines with key words highlighted in red.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jack.. this is really well thought out, laid out and informed..I like the methodical way you have approached this and the detailed analysis of your images. All you need to do is a rough outline of the contents page which shows a developing house style.
