Monday 21 November 2016


There are various genres of music and all have different stereotypes attached to the audience that
listen to the genre. There are two categories that the genres can all be listed in to:

INDIE MUSIC -  Music produced without large record labels and companies. Regarded as 'do it yourself music', indie music is commonly created by bands themselves and not other people tied in with music labels.

MAINSTREAM MUSIC - This kind of music is commercially based and uses record labels to help promote the music. It is played everywhere and is the kind of music you listen to on the radio or on television. 

The three main record labels are the Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group. These three groups work closely with their signed artists in order to help them when it comes to marketing their products. They are also an example of oligopoly as they are the main dominant companies. 

Rock: 16-30 years old, male, tattoos, spiky hair, smokes.
Reggae: 20-50 years old, male, Jamaican, smokes marijuana.
Pop: 5-18 years old, male/female, white, mainstream.
Country: 30-50 years old, male, beard, American.
Classical: 70+ years old, male/female, old, respected, dresses smartly.
Grime: 15-25 years old, male, tracksuits, branded shoes, West London, black.
House: 18-30 years old, male, like parties, alcoholic, smokes, branded clothing, heterosexual.

There are various other genres that all have different stereotypes attached to them. Sub-genres are smaller genres that are associated with larger genres. These kinds of genres also have specific stereotypes. For example:

GENRE - Electronic
SUB-GENRES - Glitch hop, Trance, Crunk.

GENRE - Country
SUB-GENRES - Cajun, Bro-Country, Bush band.

Researching music genres helped me understand what needs to be considered when creating a magazine. I now know that I need to research my audience to see which genre is preferred and take the stereotypes of the genre and incorporate them in to the magazine.

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