Tuesday 29 November 2016


Image result for kerrang contents page

This contents page is for 'Kerrang'. Kerrang creates music magazines devoted to the genre of Rock music. The magazine is published by the Bauer Media Group. The institution is one of the largest publishing companies and also owns 'Q'. This means that the magazine has the ability to attract a mass audience. The circulation figures for Kerrang were 24,000 from June-December 2015. From analysing this contents page, I can clearly see that the style conveys the forms of the genre due to the structure and layout. The Mast head in this example is located in the middle of the page. This does not follow the forms and conventions of a normal contents page. This could be used in order to emphasise the rock genre in how it is different to everyone else and unique. 'CONTENTS' is in a large yellow font at the top left of the page. This is follows the forms and conventions of  contents page. The yellow contrasts with the black background and therefore stands out to the reader. This makes it easier for the reader to locate the page. The word is edited to make it look shattered. This effect is a major part of the Kerrang logo and makes it stand out from the crowd. The editor may have chosen to use this feature on the contents page for audience identification. The colour palette of yellow and black directly associates with the rock genre. Another feature that conveys the ideologies of the rock genre is the layout. The director purposely intended to make the contents page vibrant and saturated by adding lots of secondary images, quotes, editors notes and page numbers. This effect conveys the Rock genre as being all over the place and unpredictable. By adding sub-headings like 'SWAG' and 'GIG GUIDE', the narrative begins to convey the rock genre. People stereotyped to be in this genre would use words like 'gig' or 'swag' so the use of these words help represent the genre to the audience. The main image is of a popular band called 'Young Guns'. This band is popular in the Rock industry and the editor placed them there so that the audience would see the picture and then use the page number to go to the article about them.  The way the contents page is arranged, represents the forms and conventions of the rock genre.

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