Wednesday 8 February 2017


I feel that advertisement is extremely important in any print media production. Along with the price of the magazine, adverts are vital to the profits of the magazine. This is why I have decided to write a blog about it. In my contents page, I have left out page numbers. In these pages, I hope to include page long adverts that directly link to the research I carried out. An example of a page long advert found in a magazine is the 'GIVENCHY' fragrance.

I can greatly increase my profits by using advertisment. I feel that accurately planning what adverts to include is important as if the advert is appealing to the reader, the company providing the advert is more likely to gain more customers. With more customers, they are more likely to contact the magazine again and ask for the advert to feature in the next issue or the website for example.

After considering my research results below, I created a list of possible adverts and the reasons behind the choices.

'The age group will be focused around 16-25 year old people with a psychometric rating of C-D. I also feel that I will center the narrative to represent the key beliefs of succeeders and reformers as these were the two most popular results in my research'

- New Albums
New albums are important in any music magazine and these albums will have a great chance of creating ad impressions and therefore making them worth including. 
- Alcohol (Jagermeister/Carling)
Alcohol is common within the C-D bracket and 18+ year olds. I feel that including alcohol adverts will appeal to this age group and urge them to purchase the brand the next time they drink. Punk followers are stereotyped to drink so this is another reason why I think including this is appropriate. This also links in to the reformer category due to the fact that for the younger generation, drinking alcohol is seen as very punk like and rebellious.
- Festivals
Similar to new albums, festivals and gigs are expected in music magazines and appeal to the whole audience.
- Clothing (Doc Martens/Fred Perry)
Clothing appeals to the C-D bracket as wearing the same clothes as famous people, momentarily takes them away from the working class and makes the reader feel as if they are like the celebrity.
- Punk Shop (All Ages Records)
All Ages Records is a punk shop in London. I decided to include this as if the reader is travelling to London/lives there, they can visit the shop. The shop is extremely popular and due to the fact that most people know it, the advert has the potential to make an impression on the audience.

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