Thursday 23 February 2017


Firstly, I researched the dimensions for the double page spread and created a new project. I firstly cropped the image to include each of the three members. I then used the eraser tool to make the picture fade in to the white background. 

After finally deciding the layout of the image, I added text. However, I could not decide between two colours. One of the colours was a gradient fading from orange to turquoise whilst the other was purple with a dark, satin overlay. I couldn't decide for various reasons. I thought that the orange and turquoise gradient connoted a beach which links in to the name of the sub-genre. However, the purple colour relates to the song they had released called 'Purple Stripes'. In the end, I decided to choose the purple font colour as it seemed to stand out more due to the fact that it is is slightly lighter and the purple contrasts the black outline further pulling the readers attention to the title.

I decided to call the article, 'Beach Punk Bathroom Antics' as I feel that the words work together due to the alliteration of 'B'. The title also reinforces the mise en scene of the picture in how they are positioned in and around a bathtub.

For the stand first, I wrote 'What's more punk than a music video in a bath tub?' I decided to use a rhetorical question to further promote the video and encourage the reader to watch it due. I also decided to use this as the stand first as a music video in a bath tub is rather unique and this stand first makes the article stand out among the others.

After analysing my draft, I decided to change the location of the text boxes. This is because, I wanted the natural divide in the page to include the text on one side and the title and pictures on another. Also by placing the boxes here, the punk mise en scene is still visible e.g. the black nails. I decided to lower the opacity of the white boxes for different reasons despite the fact that the black font doesn't stand out as much. Having a solid colour as the background here conceals the picture behind it and then, I feel there will be too much white on the page. Too much of one colour can get too overwhelming, especially for young adults and children who listen to punk.

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