Friday 17 February 2017


After slightly altering my designs, I moved on to finalising my contents page. I firstly decided to ignore my draft and include some text reading 'CONTENTS' as on second thoughts, this would fully establish the page as a contents page and as I decided to move some of the articles on top of the pictures, I needed to take up some more room on the page. For both 'CONTENTS' and 'EXTRAS', I used a yellow font with a red outline. This choice was influenced due to the fact that I used these two colours on my front cover. This repetition of colours further the fiery music the artists produce. 

I then added the content to the page. I made sure to use the same font and size for each article title, additional information and page number to make sure that the magazine is consistent. For the article title, I chose a black bold font so that it is easier for the reader to locate the desired article. I made the page number easily recognised by using a large white font. I made the layout identical to the layout of the content on top of the pictures to add to the house style of the page. The only two differences are the black font instead of white, to stand out against the background and the fact that the text is straight and not slanted to add formality to the articles.

I decided to again, use gold as a colour for the various puffs saying 'GOSSIP' etc to highlight how the article is special compared to the others, encouraging them to read the page. I purposely used different sizes and shapes for the red strokes. The main reason I decided to alternate the sizes is to keep the content interesting and less repetitive as the youthful reader may be overwhelmed at the heavy use of black text. For the text, I made sure to use appropriate language that the audience would be used to like 'BAD*SS' and 'BIIIIIIIIIIG'. I also made sure to keep the additional information short and snappy as this way, the reader would have to turn to the article to find out more. Also, too much information could overwhelm the reader preventing them from reading on. 

After removing some of the articles and placing them on the pictures, I had a small space at the bottom of the page to fill in. As I decided to remove the photos from the picture at the top left, I decided that it would be appropriate to move them to the bottom right. I feel that this choice was strong as the photos break up the content and keep it engaging and vibrant. 

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