Sunday 12 February 2017


I began by applying a background. Instead of going for a white background, I decided that I would instead  go for a rough, paper like texture. I decided this for various reasons. The main reason I chose this over a plain background is because the rough look connotes the genre in itself. It also will contrast the white text better so the text stands out more.

I then began to add shapes and boxes that I planned in my draft. The reason I chose black as the colour of the boxes is due to the fact that it contrasts the background and therefore the text and images layered on top seem to stand out more. I added a slight shadow to the large black box as it further emphasised the importance of the information located in it. I again decided to slightly place the box at the top of the page on a tilt as I felt that the contrast between the other box, further emphasises the informality of the magazine content. I also added a slight gradient in this box to add depth. I then added the puff at the top right. I decided to use gold as the colour here to connote importance. I added shadows and strokes to create the illusion that the gold was solid. By adding these effects, the gold seems to be as if it is real gold which further connotes the importance of the text. I also decided to add a white outline as this further frames the shape and throws emphasis on the text inside.

I then began to add text to the top of the page. I used the same font as the mast head for the 'PUNK OFF!' to emphasise a house style. I decided yo use the font 'Old Press' for the 'EXCLUSIVE CONTENT' as it is rather bold but at the same time, the eroded look is rather punk like. I decided to increase the size of 'EXCLUSIVE' to throw emphasis on the fact that the articles in the magazine are special. I decided to add a splat effect in the far right of the black shape as I feel that this relates to the informality and overall youthfulness feel of the magazine. This is because a splat is commonly associated with punk as they both are regarded as 'all over the place'. I feel that the addition of this image slightly faded in to the black background was a good addition as it fills in the blank space and also has punk connotations.

I then began to add the chosen photos.  I decided against using photos for the posters due to the fact that the placement meant that the band would be concealed. I carefully cropped each photo so that each model was in the middle of the photo. I then added three, red, cropped puffs with a black outline on each photo. I decided to use the colour red as it again, is a very vibrant colour and stands out. I have also used the colour in my front cover. The repetition of the colour conforms to the house style of my magazine. I then added three white text boxes where I would place my article title.

I then began to add text. Inside the puffs, I decided to use a white font as these colours contrast. It is extremely important for the page numbers to stand out as the contents page's main purpose is to help locate the correct page for each article. For the article titles, I decided to use the same font as the feature article cover line. I also used the same colour. I decided to do this as by having a repeated theme of fonts and colours throughout, makes pages easier to locate and makes it so the reader is familiar with the format of the magazines. I decided to outline the text in black as it contrasts the white box. I also decided to use a gold to silver gradient for the '2017 EDITION' as again, these colours explain that the guitar is new and expensive. I used a different font for this to make the content interesting.

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