Thursday 23 February 2017


After planning the layout of the double page spread, I needed content for the article. I decided to include content that was non-fiction due to the main reason that the narrative will seem more natural to read. By including an actual interview with legitimate information, the subtle punk ideologies of the band can be subliminally conveyed through the words they use and the content they provide. This means that anyone reading the article will be able to further immerse themselves in the article as they may relate to the content.

I interviewed Leo, the lead singer of the band. I asked him various questions whilst I noted down his responses after looking at the video.

The content he provided with me turned out great and I noticed the language he used and the way he acted linked in to my research in to the genre.

After the interview, I added the information he provided me on photo shop.

Overall, I am extremely happy with how all the text turned out. I feel that there is a natural story and the content has a strong link to the target audience.

For the content, I used a basic font commonly used in magazines so the information is clear and formal. I also used a large letter 'L' at the start to conform to the forms and conventions of any article. I also used paragraphs to order my text to make it less overwhelming. This is also achieved by the use of columns. I left a space in between two paragraphs for a picture to break up the text and to keep it interesting for the younger reader.  For the Q&A, I used the font 'Bebas' for the questions so they stand out over the answers to the questions. After adding the text to the page. I finished the front cover by adding extra photos and text to occupy the empty spaces on the page.

On the left, I included the EP cover with the words 'OUT NOW' in captials on it to further promote their new song. I also included a QR code next to it to send them straight to the song. I decided to place these here as they would be easily located by the reader. I decided to place two photos on the page instead of one as planned. This is because I had extra room to fill in due to the movement of the text. I used two photos of the band that conveyed them as relaxed and chilled. I chose these photos to further portray the article as laid back and relaxed. I then added the page numbers at the bottom of the page so they would not interfere with the narrative. I used a screenshot from their music video in the space between the text to give the reader a taste of what the video is like. I also used a quote from the Q&A to further influence the reader to read the article.

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