Monday 23 January 2017


I now will begin to plan my contents page. From my preliminary task and researching punk magazines, I feel that I will be able to accurately create a punk magazine that has the ability to convey the ideologies of the punk genre.

 I am really pleased with my final flat plan. I feel that the overall look and layout is similar to many punk magazines and suits the values of the target audience. I have decided to organise the content in straight lines and boxes as this is more aesthetically pleasing compared to slanted text and images due to the fact it is natural to look at. I decided to use a smaller font for 'IN THIS ISSUE OF' to emphasise the magazine name 'PUNK OFF!' I decided to use 5 images in total for the contents page. One being an image of the band used as the main image on the front cover, due to the fact that the reader can easily locate the page that the article is on. I have also included posters in the magazine as I feel that the fact the posters are free will encourage the reader to purchase the magazine. I decided to use buzz words throughout the contents page. Examples are 'PLUS', 'EXCLUSIVE' and 'WIN'. After researching various punk magazines, I noticed that  they all used similar language. I feel that it is appropriate to use this language in my contents page as it directly relates to the language the young reader will use and be familiar to. I feel that the clustered layout of the information again connotes the craziness of the punk genre. I decided to organise the content down the right hand side in page order as I feel that this layout is the most popular and therefore the audience will be more familiar with it. I decided to leave pages free as in the magazine, I will include pages with advertisement in. If I were to choose the advertisement, I would base it around the results of my primary research. This means the adverts will suit a D-C audience that are reformers and succeeders. An example of this would be an advert for 'Doc Martens'. This brand is commonly worn by people who listen to punk music and they are very different to mainstream shoe wear. This means that people that wear them fir the 'reformers' section. They are also very common in people from the working class so this fits the D-C audience. I decided to include a large subtitle saying 'EXTRAS' as if the reader sees this, they are made to feel as if the content is specially created for them. The articles I included all have direct links to the punk genre. I included large bands such as Fall out Boy, Rancid, Green Day and Blink-182 as the audience will be familiar to these bands and will encourage them to read on about them. I decided to make the page number bold and large so the articles are easy to locate.

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