Tuesday 3 January 2017


I am good friends with a member of a band called 'Reminders'. They are based on the Isle of Wight and they focus their music on the punk sub-genre of beach punk. I feel that utilising this for my magazine is vital and due to this, I can spend less time focusing on content and the mise en scene as the band will be able to provide me with the information I need on both of these key concepts within the magazine. It will also make it easier when it comes to collecting instruments as they already have the instruments ready to use. I have told them to wear what they normally do for a concert as the clothes they wear would be casual with some elements of the punk stereotype. The casual part is a key concept surrounding sub-genres like beach and surf punk. Examples of stereotypical clothing are boots and leather jackets.

I have also decided to take the pictures in various locations. The locations have been planned below

Location 1: BATHROOM
I have decided to take the main image in the bathroom due to four reasons. The bathroom along with the other locations are places where they shot their new music video, 'Purple Stripes'. If the reader has seen the music video, they will notice the mise en scene and link the picture to the video. This has the potential to attract new readers to the magazine. The bathroom has a simplistic design. This means that any photos taken will pull the readers view to the band. The white walls will almost act like a blank canvas. Another positive is the fact that the lighting in the bathroom is very good meaning I will not have to use artificial lighting for the photos. A bathroom is also commonly linked to playfulness. I researched that most people associate bathrooms with sexual acts and stupidity. This could be used to my advantage as the reader would link the band to being rather wacky and stupid which is a common representation  of most punk bands. The fact that they are playing a song in a bathroom, evokes the idea of the punk genre being 'unique' and the complete opposite of mainstream.

Location 2: PORCH
In the music video, the next shot is them in the porch. This is why I have chosen to take photos of them in this location. The photos from this location will probably be used in the contents page and the double page spread.

Location 3: SUMMER HOUSE
For the third location, they are going to be gigging inside their summer house. I feel that this setting will accurately portray the genre of beach punk due to the summer theme.

Now I have finished planning the photos, I can take them and decide which ones I will use in the magazine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is superb and thorough work Jack. Your writing style is engaging and the whole is executed with informed enthusiasm. Your deconstructions are detailed and make excellent reference to Media Language. Moving to your planning , this is likewise detailed and thorough. Well done..looks set for high marks for Research and Planning.

  3. This is superb and thorough work Jack. Your writing style is engaging and the whole is executed with informed enthusiasm. Your deconstructions are detailed and make excellent reference to Media Language. Moving to your planning , this is likewise detailed and thorough. Well done..looks set for high marks for Research and Planning.
