Thursday 5 January 2017


I decided to take some secondary photos to go on my contents page. These photos are going to be attached to a review of the 'new fender electric guitar'. I decided to use a female model as the majority of the punk audience is male. This means that it has the capability to attract the male gaze. The mise en scene of black and white clothing with black hair conveys stereotypical punk clothing and hairstyles. This again will be able to relate to the audience. I also like how the black and white guitar matches the clothing as it further contrasts the bricks behind and emphasising the model. Brick walls are common in punk photo shoots as they commonly portray the street vibe of punk and how it was popular on the streets before it broke out as a popular genre. Altogether, I am extremely pleased with how these pictures turned out.

This picture is  extremely effective due to the fact that she is laughing and smiling. Laughing and smiling show that she is enjoying life which can easily cause the reader to feel the same way. This however does not accurately convey the punk genre as most pictures are with a stern face. Despite this, I feel that this photo is appropriate to be used as she is in full shot along with the guitar and the angle is slanted which conveys the distorted idea of the punk genre compared to mainstream genres.

This photo is not cantered and is a level shot. She also has the guitar at her side instead. Positives of this shot is that she has her foot against the wall which connotes that she laid back and relaxed. The fact that the guitar is by her side is also good as it is more emphasised than the picture above as it does not blend in with her black/grey cardigan. Negatives are that it seems to be so laid back that it has no correlation to the key punk ideologies. The photo seems to have more of a link to the mainstream pop genre due to the angle, composition and facial expressions.

This picture is very similar to the first picture but the major difference is that she is looking down at the guitar and seemingly playing it. This has the effect of drawing the view of the reader to the guitar. However, I do not like the fact that you cannot see the face of the reviewer. This greatly decreases the potential impact of the photo and does not have the greatest connection with the audience.

From the brief analysis, I have chosen the first picture as it conveys a greater majority of punk ideologies.

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