Tuesday 17 January 2017


This shot will either be used as a secondary photo on the front cover, a photo on the contents page or both. I have used a white background so that I can easily cut out the model on PhotoShop. I have also taken account of the mise en scene as he is wearing all black and has a ukelele. Black is commonly linked with stereotypical clothing of people that listen to the punk genre. Therefore, this photo has the ability to convey the ideologies of the punk audience. I decided to use a ukulele as a prop due to the fact that there are various artists that cover popular punk songs in the form of acoustic covers using this instrument. The audience will be familiar with these artists and immediately relate the photo to one of these bands. This instrument however simultaneously subverts with the stereotype that punk music is all about drums and electric guitars. Despite this, I feel the controversy of this instrument will correspond to the controversy of the genre itself. I have also decided to not include his full body in all the shots as I want to place the photo above level text so the bottom needs to be straight.

This photo of my model is in a mid-shot with a level angle. I feel that the non-direct gaze is simple yet impactful in this circumstance as it emphasises that he is powerful and he is increasing in fame. I like how he is holding the ukulele as if he is playing it as this connotes that he has music constantly on his mind. However, I feel that the pose does not really link to common photos found in punk magazines. I feel this is due to his posture and lack of facial expressions.

I like this photo as it connotes that he is deep in thought due to the way his head is slightly angled downwards along with the fact he is sitting down and not in direct gaze. This creates the idea that the interview on him exposes what he is thinking about. I feel that this pose is 'more punk' as it is against a wall and relaxed. Most punk artists come across as relaxed and emotional. This photo strongly suggests that the artist is also this.

This photo is similar to the previous but instead it is straight on and he has a direct gaze. The direct gaze makes the audience feel more involved in the picture and from this angle, the ukulele is framed using the models body. I like how this photo in particular highlights the ukulele due to the contrasting colours of black and tan. However I feel that his face is too far in the background. This is a negative point as the reader will not recognise the artist as they might not be able to make out their facial features. 

This is a low angle of the model. I firstly like his grip of the ukulele. The firmness of it connotes that the grip may be due to frustration and anger. These are common ideologies conveyed in most punk music due to the lyrics. I also like the angle of the photo as it almost matches the angle an audience would get when sitting front row at a concert. The audience will internalise this idea and possibly relive the concert.

After further debate, I have chosen the first and second photo. This is because I like how the indirect gaze makes the audience feel as if the interview will uncover something about them they will not already know about.

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