Monday 16 January 2017


I also took pictures for my double page spread. I took it in three locations. The bathroom, summer house and two extra locations that I didn't plan out, an office and a bedroom. All of the photos are with the same people with the same clothing as described in the last blog


All the shots in the bathroom are mid-shot which increases the amount of content in the image where you can still see facial expressions yet it is not so close up that you loose information from the mise en scene. The photo denotes that the band are laughing at one another as they 'have fun' within a bathtub. The idea that they are all laid back, smiling and mucking about conveys the idea that the article will also be the same. This relaxed tone of interview is popular and the audience will feel more engaged within the life of the band. The angle of the photo is slanted which is not the natural angle to look at. This means that it conveys the idea that the band is different and not mainstream.

This photo is similar but I feel that this photo is more effective. This is because the lead singer is in the middle of the photo. As explained, the readers immediately recognise the person in the middle as the lead meaning that this photo resembles a stereotypical band picture. This photo is also more serious with two of the members in direct contact. This connotes that they are serious when they want to be but the person on the right connotes that they still maintain the relaxed way of communicating. The photo also shows a rather relaxed posture from each member highlighted using a level angle compared to a less level angle on the picture above. The mise en scene also is used to frame the band so that they are highlighted. examples are the sink, bath and window.

I really liked the wallpaper in the office and I felt that it could benefit the mise en scene. This is why I chose to take pictures here. The television wallpaper directly links to the punk genre as the genre was controversial when released. The 'technical difficulties' televisions connote that the band are controversial causing them to be censored. This means that the photo conveys the key ideologies of the punk genre.

I like how each member of the band have a different facial expression. The member on the right is smiling with his left hand in his pocket which again conforms to the laid back nature of the interview. The one on the left is pulling a stupid face. After researching various band photos, I discovered that there is always one crazy member that messes about on set. The audience will immediately recognise this due to his facial expressions and relate him to this member. I also used the rule of thirds in these two pictures to frame the three so that they all are expressed equally. The angle for both of these photos is level as this is the preferred angle by most people as it the most aesthetically pleasing to the eye. however, I feel that the lighting of this photo is not very good as the jacket of the member in the middle blends in with the television along with the hat of the person on the right. This is the same as the photo below. I could however correct this using PhotoShop by increasing the brightness and contrast. I also cut off the shoulder of the person on the right by accident. To compensate, I could also crop the shoulder off the person on the left to even it out. It is important to focus on the structure of the photo as if it is uneven or not natural it could make it not very aesthetically pleasing turning the reader away from the page

This photo is similar but has noticeable differences instead, the member on the right is not in direct address which further conveys he is relaxed. The lead singer in the middle is smiling which denotes that he is happy. This could then make the reader feel accepted as if he is gladly inviting them to read the article.

I decided to take pictures inside a bedroom as I feel that it again adds to the idea of the band being relaxed but it also directly links to the target audience. Punk listeners are stereotyped to be lazy and unproductive and stereotyped to lay on their bed the majority of the time. This is why I thought that including the bed would directly link the band to the reader creating the sense that they are similar to the band.

This photo is the best lit out of the three in the bedroom. The lighting is mostly natural which means that there are minimal shadows and every object is well lit. This photo also contains a large amount of props. The messiness of the bed with a PS4 and a computer under the desk relate to a teenage bedroom. The teenage reader could recognise this and relate to the mise en scene. The photo shows the two in the back sitting upright with serious faces and the member in the foreground smiling in a relaxed posture. This contrast is very strong and explains that the members all have different personalities.

This photo is very similar to the other except in this circumstance, it is slightly darker and instead of being serious, the two at the back are now smiling. However, the one on the right is not in direct gaze. This means I probably will not use this photo despite liking the expressions they are conveying.

This photo uses the messy room to frame the three members of the band using the rule of thirds. The band members are deeper in the picture and I feel that this is better for the double page spread image as I can place text around the picture. For the other photos, I would have to place text over the band members which greatly takes away from the effect the photo has. In this photo, the band seem to have a very relaxed tone the way they are sitting and not looking directly at the camera. This again implies that the interview could be in a relaxed format showcasing the band in a never before seen way. The lighting in this photo is more focused on the member on the right so I feel that it would be necessary to increase the brightness and contrast on the right hand side of the photo in PhotoShop.

I decided to take pictrues in the summer house as it had the strongest link to the bands sub-genre of beach punk. This is because the genre is most popular in the summer and the majority of the songs they produce have reference to summer. I feel that the use of the mise en scene was the most effective in these photos.

This photo again promotes the idea that the band are relaxed in the interview. This is conveyed through the idea that they have their feet up and are sat back on a sofa. The lead singer on the left is the only member with a direct gaze which implies that the interview will be serious as well as laid back. This photo will also act as a good photo for the double page spread as the photo is a mid/long shot. This means that there is a good amount of room around the photo that I can add text, quotes and secondary photos. However, I do not like the two UK flags on the left of the page. This is because the punk genre has strong links with the USA and rarely combines with the UK. By using these in my mise en scene by accident, the photo unfortunately does not accurately represent the punk genre. Despite this, I still feel that these photos are extremely powerful. 

This photo is in mid shot and from this, the facial expressions of the band are clearer. It is evident that they are happy and the direct gaze addresses the reader as if they are having an informal conversation with the band. I also like how they are evenly lit and framed using the rule of thirds. This photo however shows less of the mise en scene and has less room to add text. Becuase of this, I probably will not use this as the double page spread photo.

This has greater links to the punk genre due to the fact that it is a long shot and there is more mise en scene in shot. I placed a drum kit in front of them in order to further convey the key ideologies of the punk genre as a drum is a key instrument in all bands. The fact the drumsticks are laid down on the snare drum connotes that the band are focusing on other issues in the interview and not just the music. The room is somewhat messy with different props located in different locations. This links to the idea that the genre is crazy and uncontrollable. I feel that the the foreground is well lit but however, the band is not as well lit. This can be corrected using PhotoShop. I also like how they are laughing and pointing towards the camera. This direct gaze and point makes the audience feel as if they are the ones interviewing the band.

I decided against taking the photos in the porch as planned due to the fact that there was not enough space and the mise en scene did not have any reference to the ideologies of the genre.

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