Thursday 5 January 2017


I have decided to plan the shots I will take for the magazine. I feel that thoroughly planning the photo shoot will optimise the quality of the photos and the capability of drawing the audience in. For the front cover, I have decided to have a full band shot. This shot will be in the bathroom due to the fact that the lighting will highlight the band and the white walls will not take the view away from them. This is crucial in the front cover as all front covers have to convey the content of the magazine and encourage new readers to purchase it. After analysing many front covers, I like the way the band is conveyed in this 'Kerrang!' front cover. 

Due to this, I have decided to position the three members next to each other, in a mid shot with direct gaze at the camera as I feel that this has the best effect in attracting the audience.
For the contents page, I need a few pictures. Some that relate to the articles featured on the front cover and a few for the main cover line promoting the band. I have decided to include pages like reviews on guitars, band tours, interviews and other common things found in a punk magazine contents. Here is an example of a contents page, again from 'Kerrang!' I find most effective. 

Here we can see another picture of the band they focused the front cover on. Due to this, I will probably include another picture of the band. This picture will probably be a picture of them playing. I like the idea of a low angle shot as they are playing as it creates the feeling that the reader is the audience looking up and watching a live band play on stage. Placing this in the contents page will be ideal as the picture will be a mid-shot. For the double page spread, I am considering a longer shot so that I can fit more text in. I also have to include other photos of the other articles as presented in this contents. So I will take a picture of somebody holding an electric guitar and title the article something along the lines of 'GUITAR REVIEW'. This shot will probably be in a slanted, mid shot. The slant to emphasise the guitar and the mid-shot to get the guitar in the full shot. After analysing more magazine contents pages, I have decided to include another picture of a secondary band that I could have interviewed. This band will not be as popular as the band I use as the feature article. I have decided to take a picture of soloist sitting on a chair/ against a wall or standing up. I could title this article 'INTERVIEW WITH *INSERT BAND NAME HERE*' I feel again, a low angle shot will be good here as it has the ability to connote the idea that the soloist is maybe troubled and his thoughts will be featured in the article encouraging the audience to read the article.

Moving on to the double page spread, I have decided to use a single picture as the background. I have also decided to go with a shot of the band laying/standing against a wall. This is because the majority of the people I interviewed chose this image as their preferred pose.

This shot of the band connotes that they are down to earth and in the interview they are relaxed and are honest in what they are saying. I will also use direct contact in this photo again due to the reasons explained in previous blogs. I will probably include secondary pictures on the double page spread that I will take along with the main pictures. I will analyse my photo choices when I upload them to the blog.

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