Thursday 8 December 2016


The title takes up little under half the page and is in a red, bold font. The colour connotes power and love which greatly contrasts the rest of the grayscale colour palette. Rita Ora is a popular artist that became famous due to her contribution to the genre of pop. Pop music stands for 'popular'. This means that the target audience of the genre is a mass audience and the editor has to keep in mind the various sub-genres and different ideologies they contain and how they are portrayed in the magazine. For example, young children listen to pop music. However, creating a magazine for young children will not appeal to the older audience that listen to pop and therefore, the magazine will not sell. To combat this issue, the editor has to create a magazine to represent the mass audience and their different ideologies. I feel that this magazine has achieved this due to the content it includes and the design. The background model is Rita Ora and this directly relates to the narrative. She is placed on the floor next to a wall. Her position connotes a sexual feeling due to the amount of tanned skin on show. This appeals to the male gaze making the male audience involved in the article. Also, the model relates to the female audience of the pop genre as they would take Rita Ora as a role-model and base their aspirations around her. The whole mise en scene especially the clothes directly relates to the pop genre as they are fashionable and relevant. I feel that the image was taken in the location for various reasons: the most important idea, is the fact that the brick wall behind her connotes the sense of realism. A normal celebrity would be depicted to be living in luxury. However in this circumstance, the model appears to be 'on the streets' which links to the audience of middle class people. This therefore creates a bond between the audience and the article encouraging them to read on as they feel that they have a connection with the celebrity. Another point is the fact that her sub-genre of pop connotes the ideas of music from the streets. This is explained in the location of the photo. The narrative of the double page spread agrees with the forms and conventions of the magazine. The way that it is structured in to columns and ordered in to boxes. However, the layout is in 'Q&A' format (Question and Answer). This idea is extremely common within social media. The youth audience immediately recognise the Q&A layout and will connect with the article. This appeals to the youthful audience. In conclusion, the layout of the double page spread, connects with the audience of the pop genre due to the forms and conventions it portrays through the narrative and the background image.

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