Thursday 22 December 2016


Another form of primary research is interviewing the audience. I decided to interview my friend Robert as his favourite genre of music is Punk and he has a good knowledge on the genre. I found that the information he provided me was extremely important and has the potential to have a great impact on my magazine.

J - How old are you?
R -16
Important information as he fits in to my target audience.

J - What would you class yourself?
R - Reformer
Interesting information as the punk genre is commonly depicted to be an audience of reformers as large artists use the punk genre to 'get at the government' and they sing about corruption and inequality. 

J - Three most popular punk artists/groups right now?
R - Anti-nowhere league, Exploited and GBH.
I can use these bands in my magazine as they have a greater ability to attract new readers due to their popularity.

J - Most well known punk group ever?
R - Sex Pistols
Information can be used due to the same reason above.

J - Best punk related prize under £1000?
R - Tickets to Rebellion Festival
He explained that the festival is the most popular Punk festival and most people that follow the genre know about it. Due to this, I could use it as a pull factor for the reader.

J - How would you stereotype a Punk fan?
R - Not mainstream, scruffy, chains, spikes however they are usually just normal people
This information helps me with planning my mise en scene and what costumes the models should wear

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