Thursday 22 December 2016


After finishing my primary research, I decided to undergo some secondary research in to the punk genre. I decided to do this by using the internet.

From further research I found out that:
- Typical instruments in the genre are the electric guitar, bass and drums
- Controversial and modern when it first came out
- One of the most sub-genres in a genre
- Kerrang is the most popular punk magazine and even has a channel on TV
- It is stated that the typical american Punk wears a motorcycle jacket and jeans
- Was not until the mid 70's until it became a genre
- Typically fast paced music with three beats
- Not as common in the modern day youth

Now I have completed my research, I can finally move on to the production  of my magazine. From my research I have defined my target audience. The age group will be focused around 16-25 year old people with a psychometric rating of C-D. I also feel that I will center the narrative to represent the key beliefs of sucseeders and reformers as these were the two most popular results in my research. 

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