Tuesday 13 December 2016


Whilst creating my questionnaire, I encountered some problems. One problem is the whole ethnicity question. I was considering to include a question in my questionnaire about ethnicity but I decided against it as everyone available in my research were white British. Also, I feel that including one of these questions would just evoke a large amount of racial stereotypes. I then encountered problems when connecting the data together. All the people I asked to complete the questionnaire were of a similar age and position in education. This is a problem because it could mean that the information I collected might possibly be biased and the results may not comply with the ideas of another social group. Consequently, my media product will not convey all the ideologies of the punk audience and will instead, convey the ideologies of the people I interviewed. In order to change this, I could go and interview more people from different schools and social classes. Another problem is the majority of people interviewed do not have a large interest in the punk genre. I debated wether to include a question on Psychometrics but in the end, I decided against it as I felt that everyone I interviewed were of a similar social class and the difference between lowest social class and highest was small enough to ignore.

Because of this, I have decided to undergo more primary research and interview some people that have more of an interest in the Punk genre. This information will be more use than the questionnaire. 

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