Tuesday 13 December 2016


Primary research is research carried out by the researcher. This could be in the form of interviews, questionnaires and other first hand methods.

Secondary research is the collection of primary research created by other people. Secondary research is commonly collected online in the form of articles, experiments.

I have decided that I will create a questionnaire to try and interpret the demographics, psychographics, psychometrics and other important information about the target audience.

These are the questions I decided to ask the people I interviewed and the reasons I chose the questions:

What is your age? 
The age is important to determine as the demographics of the audience can influence the content. 

Can you name three punk artists?
This question helps me understand the popularity of the punk genre.

How much would you pay for a music magazine?
Asking this question will help me pick the right price for the magazine so it will sell. I can also incorporate secondary data in to this question and research the common price of punk magazines.

What would you class yourself?
I will put a tick box in my questionnaire and ask them to tick which option they would most associate themselves with. This will help me pick specific content/adverts that relate to the audiences attitudes and values.

Sucseeders - People that are successful in what they do and because of this they are self confident
Carers - People that have a social conscience
Reformers - Seen as caring people that do not have brand conscience.
Aspirers - People that just get on with life.
Mainstreamers - Conformists that buy branded products in order to stay safe

What colours do you find effective?
I will place some colours on the questionnaire and I will ask the audience to tick box which they find the most appealing. This will help me determine the colour palette of the magazine.

Which picture do you find most effective?
I will find different pictures of punk bands and will create a tick box. This will help me understand what kind of picture to take and what should be included in the mise en scene.

If there was a prize to be won, what prize would you like to win (under £1000)?
This will help me understand what to put as the competition on the front cover. 

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