Thursday 22 December 2016


I then began collating the data from my research. From analysing the results, I began to notice some issues that I will address in this blog.

PRIMARY RESEARCH - (Questionnaire)

What is your age?
Everyone that completed the questionnaire were either 16-25 years of age. I was going to focus the magazine on a target audience around this age. This means that the information from the questionnaire will be of great use to me.

Can you name three punk artists?
The minority of the people that filled in the questionnaire were able to name three punk artists. The majority could name one or two. These artists were mostly 'Green Day' and the 'Sex Pistols'. This explains to me that the genre of punk is not very popular in the youth generation. However, I will use the artists that they could name in my magazine so that I can appeal to the target audience as they know them.

How much would you pay for a music magazine?
Over half of the people picked £2-£3 so judging from this, I think that I will price the magazine around this area.

What would you class yourself?
It was difficult interpreting this data as the responses were rather mixed. Despite this, the clear winner was 'Sucseeders'. I feel that this result is due to the fact that young people usually have great expectations and are influenced by celebrities to become like them in a sense. Because of this result in the Psychographics section, I will model the narrative around the key beliefs and values of the audience.

What colours do you find effective?
Most of the audience chose black and white and red and gold. A few said they thought that yellow stood out as well. So I will mainly base my colour palette on these colours.

Which picture do you find most effective?
The majority chose the third option:

Because of this, I am greatly considering using a low angle of the band sitting down for my double page spread.

If there was a prize to be won, what prize would you like to win (under £1000)?
Because of the large amount of possibilities, I gained a wide array of answers. Examples were a DSLR, iPad, iPhone 7 and £1000 in cash. I am still undecided on what to choose but I feel that I will choose £1000 in cash as this is a gender neutral prize and the winner can spend the money on whatever they desire.

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